Limonium suworowii

Russian Statice


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Plants have a basal rosette of light green leaves through which the narrow, cylindrical rose-pink spikes grow. Also known as rat tails. Long lasting cut flower and dries very well.


100 seeds per packet

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    Flower type:Air
    Life cycle:Hardy Annual
    Climate:Prefers a cool growing season and flowers all spring and well into early summer.
    Sowing guide:Sow in trays (recommended) in March to May / September to November and transplant after 4-6 weeks. Ensure very well-drained soil.
    Planting Season:Autumn / Spring
    Germination guide:5-10 days @ 18-22 C. Cover lightly with thin layer of vermiculite/soil.
    Flowering time:October-January (if sown in March to May) or 80 days after sowing after September.
    Pinch:Not necessary
    Position:Full Sun
    Final height:30-60cm
    Spacing:23 cm

    Growing Tips:

    Ensure well-drained soil, especially if planting in Autumn. Easy grower.

    Harvesting Tips:

    Harvest after almost all the small individual flowers on the flower spike are open - earlier harvesting will cause the top of the spike to wilt. Very long lasting cut flower and dries extremely well, keeping its colour. Harvest stems regularly for continued flowers. For drying, cut and hang upside down in a warm, dry place.

    Whether you are growing flowers or vegetables or both, growing your own plants from seed, is one of the most rewarding things for any gardener and you don’t even need a green thumb to do it. With our guidance, it couldn’t be easier!